What is COVID-19?
Video Credit: BrainPOP
Last Updated: 3/21/20
Dear Hempstead Assembly of God Family,
In order to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19 contagion, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, in a joint effort with the governors of New Jersey and Connecticut, issued a crowd capacity limit of all recreational and social gatherings to 50 people. In addition to Gov. Cuomo’s actions, the White House recently released new guidelines for group gatherings, limiting the gathering to 10 individuals. Therefore, in order to support our nation, state and community’s efforts to combat the Coronavirus COVID-19 contagion, Hempstead Assembly of God has cancelled public worship gatherings until further notice. Additionally, we will continue temporary suspension of all Monday through Saturday ministry activities on the church campus as planned. It is our hope and expectation that we will be able to resume Sunday Services and these actions will ensure a safe, sanitized environment for you and your family to return to.
In the meantime, we will be embracing our use of technology and providing a wonderful worship experience through our live-stream platform. This past Sunday’s service was incredible, as I partnered with our worship team and our production team to present a powerful and inspiring experience. We are hoping that you will join us again for our 8:30am or our 11:00 am service for worship, the Word, and an expectation for God to speak into your life. He is able! And he will do it!! To join us, simply visit our website at www.hempsteadassembly.org.
In an effort to remain connected to you during this global crisis, we are providing opportunities for prayer, fellowship, and inspiration with the use of technology.
I will be providing a daily morning devotional to provide comfort, encouragement, and revelation to start your day.
Starting Monday, March 23rd, we will be having prayer at 5am, Monday through Friday, via our new conference line.
Dial-in Number: 1-623-600-3751
Conference Code: 356202
Call in and let’s pray together!
The Prayer Line will also be available for Tuesday evenings at 7pm.
Our Wednesday Night Bible Study will resume starting this Wednesday, March 25th, via Zoom video conferencing or our Facebook Live platform. If you are interested in signing up for our weekly Bible Study, please contact the office.
Due to the nature of this National State of Emergency and global pandemic, the Board of Trustees, the Board of Deacons, and I have unanimously agreed to postpone the Annual Business Meeting that was scheduled for March 25th, until all restrictions for gathering have been lifted. The health and safety of our members is of the utmost importance, and we believe that this type of action is in the best interest of our community.
In the midst of uncertainty and under threat of virus, we do not lose heart. We refuse to be discouraged, because God is always working. The Apostle Paul said, “If God is for us, who can be against us” (Romans 8:31). This is just a test. Don’t lose your faith! Don’t pull back from worship! Don’t miss out on the Word! Stay engaged, get connected, join us for Sunday worship via live-stream. If you need help with the technology, please call the office, and we will walk you through the steps. Let’s be the church, always triumphant, always advancing, pressing in, pushing through and touching the presence of God!
-Pastor Chris