Prayer Ministry
Prayer is the key to unlocking doors.
You can tell a lot about an individual by the amount of time they spend in prayer. You can tell even more about a church whose members recognize the need for corporate prayer.
Prayer is the means by which Christians communicate and develop a relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. Prayer is mentioned many times in the Bible. In the Book of Daniel, Daniel found deliverance from the jaws of hungry lions through prayer. In the gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, Jesus took the time to teach His disciples how to pray. In Revelations the church is accused of forgetting to keep in contact, through prayer, with their first Love, God. Prayer is vital for any church ministry to achieve its full potential.
Weekly Corporate Prayer Times
Tuesday Morning Prayer - Tuesday Mornings at 5:00 AM - Tuesday Morning Prayer team meets to pray for our Nation, our government, our church, our community, and you. We meet in the Sanctuary Prayer Room.
Tuesday Night Prayer - Tuesday Night at 7:30 PM - Doors open at 7:30 pm on Tuesday nights and God is sought for direction, for the spiritual health of our church, and the surrounding communities. Supplications are made for individuals who have requested prayer and that God's will be done. All are welcome. We meet in the Main Sanctuary.
Monthly Corporate Prayer
Monthly All day prayer and fasting - 6:00 am – 6:00 pm 2nd Friday of the month.
Quarterly Corporate Prayer
Quarterly All night prayer - 10:00 pm – 6:00 am Friday as announced.